Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dancing the Night Away

I rarely have a dance partner. Last night I was fortunate to dance with two friends, Tulsa and Hevy. The last shot is from a choreographed dance for the Funky Feats dance group. It was a good night for dancing.

Remember "say cheese"?? My grandmother always told us to say that when she was posing us for pictures. Last night Hevy gave me a smile animation called that. This one works when dancing. I love being able to smile at him in SL, since he can't see the way I'm smiling at him in RL.


Emyly Beaumont said...

Great shot of you and Hevy! I love it. And Tulsa showed Wednesday Night at Linri's for the blues set - he danced right next to me on the Lime Jelly balls and I didn't realize he was your friend or I would have said a special hello. So apologize for me, please.

Casandra Shilova said...

Did he really! That's great!!